Home | Engineering Institution of Zambia

The Engineering Institution of Zambia

The Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ) is a statutory professional regulatory body mandated by the
EIZ Act No. 17 of 2010 to promote and regulate the engineering profession in Zambia.It is a membership-based
corporate body established under Section 3 of the Engineering Institution of Zambia Act No. 17 of 2010.

The Engineering Institution of Zambia

The Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ) is a statutory professional regulatory body mandated by the
EIZ Act No. 17 of 2010 to promote and regulate the engineering profession in Zambia.It is a membership-based
corporate body established under Section 3 of the Engineering Institution of Zambia Act No. 17 of 2010.

The Engineering Institution of Zambia

The Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ) is a statutory professional regulatory body mandated by the
EIZ Act No. 17 of 2010 to promote and regulate the engineering profession in Zambia.It is a membership-based
corporate body established under Section 3 of the Engineering Institution of Zambia Act No. 17 of 2010.

We Follow Quality Standards

Advancing technology for national development

Latest Technology

To enhance operational systems to world-class standards by 2020 through the procurement and implementation of member information systems, Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) and Quality Management System (QMS), the Institution launched the new Database Management System for members to apply online.

Handle Complex Projects

To ensure compliance by all engineering organisations, engineering units and engineering professionals, the Institution grew their inspectorate units in each region and engaged the Legal Counsel in the Enforcement and Compliance drive to ensure that all comply with the provisions of the EIZ Act No. 17 of 2010.

Inspection & Testing

As part of its mandate, the Institution has committed to ensure that all engineering organisations, engineering units and individuals practicing engineering in the country are registered and licensed with the Institution through the Engineering Registration Board as per provision of the EIZ Act No. 17 of 2010.

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